Cigarette butts are the most common litter picked up during World Cleanup Day actions.
Let's Do It World Network calls everyone in the world to stop cigarette butts ending up in nature.
Stop your friends and colleagues from throwing cigarette butts to the ground or in the sewers. Together through this simple act we can save nature and millions of lives.
There are 6 trillion cigarette butts produced each year and 4,5 TRILLION of them end up in nature –
in natural habitats and water bodies. Its effect is devastating on our natural resources – one cigarette
filter contains more than 150 extremely poisonous toxins capable of ruining 1000l of water, and
takes 15 years to disintegrate. Since the cigarette butts are made of plastic, the decaying filters
contribute massively to the microplastic problem the world faces today.
Let’s Do It World network plans to gather 1 billion
cigarette butts on World Cleanup Day, on 18th September.
● Cigarette butts are small, but highly dangerous waste.
● Cigarette butts are the most common litter picked up in the environment.
● Cigaret butts are made of plastic.
● 75% of people think the cigarette butt is made of paper or cotton.
● 6 trillion cigarette butts are produced each year and 4,5 TRILLION of them end up in nature
● One cigarette butt contains more than 150 extremely poisonous toxins.
● 1 cigarette butt can contaminate 1000L of water.
● It takes 15 years for one cigarette butt to decay.
● In 2030 we will have more cigarette butts than fish in the sea.
See the sources and references.

- STOP your friends and colleagues throwing cigarette butts on
the ground or sewer systems. Cigarette butt needs to go in to the bin. It’s the easiest step to save lives! - Spread campaign visuals and videos.The main reason for cigarette butt pollution is low awareness about the impact of cigarette butts in the environment. Help spread the message. Here you can find several visuals and videos to share.
Together we can change the world and stop cigarette butt littering. - Join World Cleanup Day on 18th September.
Let’s Do It World calls everyone in the world to pick up cigarette butts and count them on 18th September.
The goal is to pick up 1 billion cigarette butts on 18th September